
It is testimony time!

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I was having serious pains in my leg. On the 4th of February during the anointing service at Garam Bible Fellowship, I was anointed. I told the Pastor about the pain after the service which he prayed for me. Within the week I discovered that all the pains were gone. I give all the Glory to God.
Mrs Victoria
I have been feeling seriously sick, with body pains, vomiting and I could not stand. I went through the week that I was not able to come to church on Sunday 4th February 2024, Pastor and 3 others came to my house to visit me and saw my condition, they prayed for me and instantly all the sickness symptoms I was feeling left and I was instantly healed.
I was also having rheumatism and couldn’t walk well, I was given a recommendation to buy some herbal medicines but I was also financially down, Pastor visited and prayed with me and I became healed immediately again. To God is the glory
Mrs Ruth (Mama Bobo)
On Sunday 11th February 2024, I was down with body pain and severe headache to the point that I couldn’t attend service. Pastor met my daughter after the Sunday service and asked her why I wasn’t in service and my daughter explained to him that I was sick and they came together to my house. He prayed for me and all of a sudden I discovered that all the pain was gone. I was instantly healed to the glory of God.
Mummy Favor
On Sunday 11th February, I was trying to fix NNP to my satellite dish at home. I was standing at a height on a platform whilst holding my phone. The phone fell from my hand from a height of about 6ft and hit the cemented floor. I came down to pick the phone thinking that it was broken but to my surprise there was no single crack on the phone and one wouldn’t even believe it fell and hit from that height and floor. This was the second time the phone was falling since I bought it, the first time being when I was bathing and kept the phone on the bathroom window, it fell and hit the floor but there was no crack. I think it worthy of note to say that at the back of my phone is a card given to me by our father the Bishop and written on it is the ministry’s vision. I love and care for my properties very well and even my bike is 9 years old since I bought it but many people don’t believe it because it still looks new. I thank God for preserving my phone because if it had broken, I would have spent nothing less than #10,000 on fixing it. To God be the glory.
Pst Micah Gimba
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